Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our vet trip

Next up we went to see the Vet. I was told it would be a big deal. But I was cool.

Laura told us this wasn't going to be fun. She said they would shoot us, but she had been shooting us all morning long cause I'm so cute! I don't quite understand why we wouldn't like it. It sounded like an adventure.

We got weighed too. I was 1 pound 4 ounces and Hensley was 1 pound and not even an ounce!

I was so good for the vet. I just let her listen to my heart and lungs, and when she had to check my temperature...that way...I just laid down and was nice about it.

Boy were we tired after all that! We slept right through all the kitty care instructions. Sure hope Laura was taking notes!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Ahhhh...conked out kittehs. Cessa has a white patch on her upper nose?

Janitha said...

They are so cute I'm about to fall over :) Turbo and Spookie are going to the Vet in about two weeks. If they only knew what is coming.....