Sunday, June 13, 2010

The View from above.

I was playing with my little green mousie today when I realized something. I iz princessa. Princessas do not lay on the floor like a rug. They look down on peoples. So I moved. Don't you thinks this is a much better position of power for a Princessa?
This way I haz the bestest view of the Nombox. Keeps my stinkyfood in there.
Yes, it is quite lovely up here.
I shall continue my reign from above.


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Hee hee hoo hoo...Cessa, you are SO right on!

We had tree trimmers this morning. Hart went out on the deck and promptly barfed. Nothing like a cat critic at large.

Anonymous said...

Your cats are freakin hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Cessa, you are a bit of a snob. It looks like Hensley who is a Commoner has more fun on the floor in a box. But to each their own. GGMA D.