Monday, May 24, 2010


Laura was redoing her patio, and she brought us in some pots with good stuff. Dirt!!! When we waz digging through the dirt, we found something better: BUGGS!!!!!
We LOVES BUGGS!!!! We wanted to see all the buggs, so we spread out the dirt to see them and play with them.
They sure is fun to play with. Look how great they are! The more we digged, the more buggs there were, and we sure had a good time with them.

Laura did no likes us to play with the buggs. Don't know why. We sure likes them. Don't you?


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Next time I come visit I will being you lots and lots of bugs!

Anonymous said...

Rufus loves bugs also. He found one crawling in the fireplace and after playing with it, he killed it. I think he thought he was protecting us from it.
G-ma D.