Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Laura's Grandmamama made us a new SNAKE!!!!! (Thank you Grandmamamamam!!!!!!) OOooooohhhhh!!!! I sniffeded it and knowd what it was IMMMEdIETeley! So I bites it, and I kicks its....
And I killz it.....

I got all ninja on it!!!!

For a minute Cessa and I switched toys, and I let her play with our new snake. She thought she was too proud to play with it though.I got some time in with my mermaid toy too!

All dat play makes kitties tired, so den we tooks a good nap to get ready for more fun.

But there was more fun to be had. Boxes to be gotten into, presents to be helped to wraps...

I so helpful.

So den I got on da computure to tell you about it. And now u knows. Has a good day!

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