Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Birthday Presents!!!

Happy Birthday to Hensley!!! He was born on August 10th, 2009 and now he is 1 year old! Look what Laura bought for me for Hensley's birthday! I gave Hensley the kitty tooth paste and tooth brushes.

H: Silly Cessa. These iz all for me!
C: Dey is for me too! Everything is mine, all mine!!!
Laura says they is for both of us. But then she gave ME a fudgypop cause they is my favorite.
Laura: Kitties, what do you say?
Hensley: Thank you!
Cessa: Is that all?
H: Silly Cessa. She already had her birthday. It's my birthday today!
Happy Birthday to Hensley!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

It is good to be Hensley on any day. Sister sure knows how to shop for birthday presents. Dont' tell Uncle Tigs and Hart, cuz we have no idea when their birthdays are.

Anonymous said...

Tiggy came out of his man cave and reminded me to "look at the calendar". He doesn't know what a birthday is but if it's written on the calendar it is very important!