Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I helps

Laura was cooking chicken for not me. Not nice of her. Course, she did no says is no for me till after she finishes cooking it.

So I helped her. I showed her where she keeps the pots and blenders and stuff, cause I iz helpful.

So nice of me!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sharing can be nice.

Last week it was cold, so we made Laura put out her sweatshirt for us to sleeps on. It was so cold, Hensley and I even snuggled together and shared. See how nice he was to gives me a back rub?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I iz helpful

Yesterday I helped Laura pick out what to wear. She puts 2 different shirts down, and I lay down on the one I likes best. She appreciates the help.

Monday, April 19, 2010

War wounds

Laura came home last Wednesday and saw my poor little leg. I hurted it. But I does no tell how! Not gonna get myself in troubles! No way. When I layed down, I had to hold it up so it doesn't hurts as bad. See how I holds it up?
Laura mades me go sees the Vet. She was mean!!! She mashed on me, and pushed on my poor let until I let her know, loudly, that I needed sedatives! I gots them! Then I got my picture taken. It's a black and white. Laura says it's an EXRAY. It's pretty. But it says I no has broken bones. Just a bad sprain. Vet says its cause Hensly and I plays too hard. Ha! What does Vet know?
Here, I made Laura take a movie of my silly walk. I looks gangsta?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Big dreams

One day, I, Hensley Burl Spriggs, will rule the world. For now, I just dreams about it.
I always has world domination on my mind.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What was dat?

Laura's mommy came to visit. She must have heard that I likes boxes. She wanted me to sit on her lap. But I don't "DO" laps. I "DOs" boxes.
It took me a while to figure out that even though I waz in a box, I waz on a lap!!!
Boy did that get my tail in a bunch! Hensley wasn't so impressed. He sits on laps all the time, but that's cause he's just a 10 moneys boy and doesn't knows any better. Humph!