Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Day

Merry Christmases!!!! Laura said smiles for da camera.
We got to go over to Grandmamama D's house over night and see Uncle Rufus and PRESENTS!
Hensley told Grandmamama he wanted to open *that one*!
Dat was a good one to open! Had a buggie in it!!!!

We LOVES it! We played and batted and rolled and pounced on it!

Dat tree was covered in Kitties. I looked for a way to be on the tree too, but Laura did not let me. I says I iz angel and should be on tops, but she says already dere is a angel on tops.
Told Hensley to smiles for da picture.

2 very happy kitties.
When is next Christmas? WE is ready! Hopes you had a good Chrismases too! Merry Christmas 2010!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

When Laura got sick

We looooved it when Laura got sick!!! She stayed in bed with us for 2 whole weeks!!! Oh, she would make a good kitty. Look how commfy Hensley gots. Me too!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dey is gonna hatch.

Laura's grandma brought over some purrsimmons. So we puts on our special lazer eyes to watches them.
Laura says "Kitties! Get off the counter!!!"
But we tells her, "Watch it, girlie! We haz PURRsimmons to watches!!! WE will destroys you with our Lazer Eyes!!!"
She says, still, gets off counter. We knowz we is not supposed to be on counter. We just don't cares. Der is PURRSIMMONS!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Deck the Hairballs

H: Laura sayz we iz gonna dekorates for Chrisssmiss. With lights. Oh, I see da lights.

I dekorates!!!!
Laura sayz dats not how we decorates. Says I haz to looks nices.
How's dis, Laura? Does I looks more sophistiCATed?Cessa: Is dis da right lighting for me? How bout now?
Well, Merry Christmases to you!!!
Next year, we want colored lights.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bloomingz Narcisususesis.

Laura's Narchiscisisus finally bloomeded. I hads to checks it out. Oooh!!! It smellded sooooo goods!!!
I pulled it a little closeres

....and den I tooks a bites of it. Sure tastes as goods as it smells!!! I luvs Narcisusuisis!

Friday, December 10, 2010

New Game

Laura changeded the sheets. NEW GAME!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hensley sawd something, and he chased it.
It tried to hide unders da couch, but we iz smarters than that! We chased it, and sniffed at it.

And can you believe dat thing PINCHED us?!?! So rude!!!!

Laura kepts telling us to eats it, but we no eats thing dats aren't stinky food, or blueberry, or otherstuff. DEFINATELY no eats things that pinches at me!!!
Bad Bug.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cat Yoga

Laura's Momma and Daddy came into towns for Thanksgiving. Her Daddy did some cat worship while he was there every morning.

He calls it "Yoga." I call it "Hommage to Cessa."

See how hes bows down to me? He adores me... Everyone adores me!
I says "bow down to kitty goddess!!!"
He says he is just doings yoga.
He is good for amusement. Hensley and I liked watching. I gave him kitty pointers. Everyones should do Kitty worship, its good for me.